Mable Tan


Curious about surface pattern design? Struggling to find your way through the world of art licensing? Then, dive in the blog, and find juicy tips and stories on how to find success as a designer.

Welcome to 


The biggest hurdle we have to overcome as surface designers is not learning Illustrator, getting more followers on Instagram.

Starving Artist VS Thriving Artist Mindset

I totally believe in visualisations and I know it works, because it has worked for me. A LOT.⁣

Visualise Your Life into Reality

Just the other day, someone commented that I was doing a good job with my Facebook group and my immediate response was, “I’m winging it gurl!”

Be Imperfectly Perfectly You

let's find out

Take the quiz

Take the quiz to help you harness your style and grow your business.

What type of surface pattern designer are you?

let's find out

Which type of Creative
Rockstar are you?

How do you show up as an artist and OWN your awesome?

take the quiz

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Hi, I'm Mable! I'm a surface pattern designer. I'm passionate about creating designs that adds prettiness to every day life.

oh hey!

© mable tan designs pty ltd