Mable Tan


August Art Challenge (2021)

Are you ready for this, friend? It’s time to get out of a creative rut and into a creative flow. The best way, and possibly, the only way to do this is to create, create, create. This art challenge is a gentle, self-pace exercise that will run from August 16 – September 15.

I’ve created 30 prompts, four themes and four palettes for you to use during this 30-days challenge but, if it doesn’t spark joy, you don’t have to use them at all. They are merely guides for you so you don’t have to overthink (which can be a stumbling block) and just focus on creating.

And even though this is a 30 days challenge, it doesn’t mean you have to commit to 30 days of creating, unless you want to (hardcore, but I like it!). You can choose two or three prompts for the week and create an illustration, a motif or a repeat pattern, whichever takes your fancy.

If you’re new to the challenge, here’s how it works:

  1. Decide how many days you’re willing to commit to the challenge
    If you’re doing two or three prompts a week, you can choose to start on any day during the 30 days challenge. If you’re doing the full 30 days challenge, you start on August 16, 2021 and finish on September 15, 2021.

  2. Follow the prompt of the day
    Or just create anything that inspires you for the day. The prompts and colourways are completely optional. It’s just a guide and it’s two things less to have to think about.

  3. Share your work
    When you have finished creating for the day, feel free to share it on Instagram and use the hashtag #mabletansartchallenge. (Note: You don’t have to tag me in your posts)

  4. No pressure, only kindness
    If you miss a day of the challenge, just jump back on the bandwagon the next day. If you don’t finish on time, that’s completely okay. Do it at your own pace. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is happens.

  5. Have fun
    The only thing you have to remember in this challenge is to have FUN. If you’re not having fun and this challenge is driving you insane, then, my advice for you is to stop. Take a break, go for a walk, bake some cookies. This challenge is created to inspire you so you can get back into a creative routine. But if it’s doing the exact opposite, then, by all means, it’s okay to stop.

  6. The theme changes every ten days
    I’ve created three themes based on the voting poll in my Facebook groupChristmas, Australian Flora & Fauna and Green House. If Australian Flora & Fauna doesn’t resonate with you, you can use the alternative theme: Fall Life. Scroll down to view all the prompts and colour palette.

Day 1 – 10: Christmas Cheer

Day 11 – 20: Australian Floral & Fauna Fun

Day 21 – 30: Enchanting Greenhouse

Alternate Theme: Fall Life

I hope you’ll have heaps of fun creating! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Sending you LOTS of happy vibes!

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Hi, I'm Mable! I'm a surface pattern designer. I'm passionate about creating designs that adds prettiness to every day life.

oh hey!

© mable tan designs pty ltd